Definition of Short Film (short)
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2012
In the field of production audiovisual, in which content is produced for the media communication audiovisuals, especially the movie theater and I saw it, the short film, popularly also known as short, is a audiovisual production that lasts no more than thirty minutes, its traditional duration is between eight and thirty minutes.
Audiovisual production characterized by its short duration, by approaching innovative or not very hackneyed themes, and a different language
From the hour of duration it is considered that it is a feature film.
These short films try to deal with low box office issues and that fact of being outside the commercial circuits allows its filmmakers to tackle topics of all kinds, depart from traditional genres, improvise, impose their creativity, breaking and transgressing the classic laws of cinematographic language, and unleashing new visual and content proposals.
Although if we go through the history of the short film, this type of production has addressed the most varied genres and these have been the same ones that are commonly addressed long-term tapes, it should be noted that the trend has been to address much less commercial topics, or that they do not directly have an echo in the long-term films, which traditionally rely on products that meet the most popular characteristics as they ensure the rapid favor of the majority of the public.
Likewise, the difference in costs that they present with respect to long films is important.
Film and debut film students internship or test of various new filmmakers
Furthermore, the short film is something like the baptism of fire that every self-respecting filmmaker must display on their curriculum vitae as their first film work.
There are many directors who today enjoy an impressive celebrity and whose first step in the film industry was the making of a short film.
The shorts turn out to be a test and practice for cinematography students, that is, in many Institutes or academies are required to carry out a production of this type in order to approve the race and be formally received from filmmakers.
But beware, in recent years this type of product has also become a expression beloved by already established filmmakers.
Regarding the reason for this preference on the part of directors, we must mention the challenge implied by having to tell an original and compelling story for the public, in a few minutes.
And for the public they are interesting because that short duration provides them with great adrenaline.
On the other hand, as it does not have strict or pre-established parameters, as is the case with the length, the short film is allowed multiple narrative, stylistic and staging licenses. scene, which later lead to the appearance of new styles.
The main disadvantage is its lack of promotional space
The main disadvantage that can be attributed to short films is their difficult commercialization and therefore its diffusion, since there are not many commercial exhibition circuits strictly doomed to this type of production and the market for feature films does not give them the space they need to transcend.
Although, nobility compelling to highlight, that in recent years, festivals and also the mark that new technologies brought, especially Internet, have paved the way in this regard and today it is common for filmmakers to upload their enrolled creations to the network of networks in this type of proposal, facilitating its promotion with very low or zero costs, and if they collect a good response from the public, the circuits commercials are interested in them and so they have the possibility of participating in some festivals and even being taken into account in awards notable.
Beyond the aforementioned, without a doubt, one of the great problems that short filmmakers face is the lack of a defined market to disseminate and promote their products.
The circuits that exist are still few and do not have a great diffusion, and on the other hand they carry the stigma of being the expression of students and new filmmakers, a fact that takes away a certain assessment.
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