Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2013
Through the word twitching You can designate two issues, on the one hand, you can designate the untimely and temporary contraction of a muscle.
Voluntary muscle contraction due to nerve discharges or exertion
Scientifically referred to as syndrome benign fasciculation, the tension, is a common voluntary disorder of the muscles of the human body, characterized by the fasciculation of muscles, which are small muscle contractions and in no way generate movements of the muscles members.
The cause of the twitching is attributed to natural nerve discharges in the muscle fibers that can be due to specific conditions or due to exertion.
The most common muscle groups in which twitching occurs include the eyelids, legs, feet, and arms.
It should be noted that it is generally occasional and disappears soon, although it can also appear continuously.
Irritation and anger that a person expresses in response to an injury or being subjected to a stressful situation
And on the other hand, the word tension is used to designate the
irritation and anger displayed or exhibited by an individual.The tension tends to surface especially when something causes us a rather intense displeasure or discomfort, that is, when something happens, or someone makes a commentary that disturbs our peace of mind, because basically that is the tension, affecting the harmony that a person was enjoying with some negative event.
So, the almost common response to this is a defense or rejection reaction, quite impulsive, that is, it is not thought about. too much but we develop it without thinking, mostly, in response to that injury or annoyance caused by a factor external.
The expression, for example, it is called tension and it can present different degrees, if for example the dislike is concrete but can be supported, the tension will not generate more than a scream or some other behavior that expresses it, however, if the tension is motivated by a fact that we affects in the deepest if serious consequences can develop, including affecting the physical integrity of others, in the most extremes.
Although there are individuals who have this characteristic as a fundamental part of their personality, that is, as a recurring trait, it also usually appears and hatches before a state of tension and nervousness caused by the succession of an event or event which causes enormous discontent.
A scenario where tension is present is easily recognizable given that it will abound in discussions and shouts between the people involved in it.
It is worth mentioning that in those contexts in which tension rules, it is difficult to reach agreements or dismantle that tense state of affairs, although not impossible.
That is, if whoever has the command voice in a tense group or sector is permeable to dialogue and to overcome that situation it is possible that the tension is overcome and then a state is reached in which the agreement prevails.
The will to dialogue can lead to tension
But of course, it is important to mention that it is essential the parties' willingness and predisposition to dialogue because otherwise it would be unfeasible for an agreement to be reached and for the state of tension to subside.
In these guys who run, so frantic and where stress often plays a trick on us, it is common for people to get upset more frequently and intensity, especially in large cities where it seems that the day is not enough to do everything that needs to be done, or to get to the side that we should due to contingencies such as traffic, or demonstrations where there are blockages of streets and roads, example.
These specific events irritate motorists and those who travel by bus, among others, and many times Very strong fights tend to break out, because it is the only way they have to channel that tension.
Of course it's not correct, but sometimes the impulse more than the head, as we mentioned above, and more if the person is already suffering a heavy load of stress.
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