Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Mar. 2018
The verb to Crush in English is usually translated as crushing, crushing, pressing or crushing. It is also used in another sense, since with the expression "have a crush on" expresses that someone is in love with another person.
It should be noted that in English there is also the expression "girl crush" and with it the expression infatuation platonic from one woman to another (She is my girl crush could be translated as she is my platonic love).
In any case, the use of this word has been adapted in recent years to the Spanish vocabulary, both in Spain and in Latin America.
How is this word actually used in everyday language?
Despite its original meaning, in practice this term is used to express other ideas. Thus, if I say "I just had a crush on the bike and I almost killed myself" I am communicating that when I was driving I had a problem. If someone has felt a crush she might say that she "had a crush". Likewise, the person I feel towards attraction I can call her "my crush" love.
As you can see, this term is used to express a certain impactemotional, usually related to physical attraction.
This term is integrated into the everyday vocabulary of young people, especially among adolescents when they talk about their feelings or their boyfriends or girlfriends. In their usual jargon they speak of crush in a platonic sense, to express their admiration by a celebrity or just a word of endearment. As on so many occasions, crush has also become a catchphrase.
Youth slang in Spain and Mexico
The vocabulary of the youngest does not always coincide with that of the adults. There are many unique words and expressions. Among young Spaniards, if someone "scratches himself" it is indicating that he thinks a lot about an issue.
- "Being fart" is equivalent to being very drunk.
- "Eating snot" means that there is little sexual activity.
- If a place of entertainment is full of people it is said that "it is petao".
- "Do not catch" is equivalent to not flirting, that is, he is not interested.
- If a situation presents a great difficulty in some sense, it is said that "things are bad".
- In order to divide an expense between the companions, one speaks of "paying in installments".
- When something is obtained for free it is done "by the nose".
Young Mexicans also have their own slang
- Thus, "making a hot dog" is getting into trouble.
- The exclamation "lower him!" it means don't bother or calm down.
- A "beberecua" is a drink ".
- "Falling from the kick" is equivalent to falling ill to another person.
- Saying "quióbole or quiobo" is the same as saying how are you.
- Lastly, "screwing it up seriously" means making a big mistake.
Photos: Fotolia - Julia Tim / Alvaroc
Themes in Crush