Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Oct. 2010
When we talk about species animals in which parturition normally results in a single specimen, situations in which more than one specimen is born are called twins. This is mainly so in the case of human being that is normally born to an individual by childbirth except in cases where there is more than one embryo and therefore two individuals similar to each other are born. The twins are completely similar to each other and in general there are usually two, unlike the Twins which can be much more abundant.
Twins are those individuals who are born from the same gestation, two embryos that have been formed in the same time after fertilization and that, by sharing the same genes directly, they are physically equal. Twins are born from the same embryo that, at some point during pregnancy, divides into two and generates two future babies. In medical and scientific terms, twins are monozygotic twins because they start from the same zygote or egg.
However, in the
language common there is also the term twin that in many occasions can generate confusion. Twins are actually another form of twins but in general we speak of twins when we find dizygotic or polyygotic twins, it is that is, individuals that are born together in the same gestation but that do not share the egg or that are not the direct result of the partition of a single embryo.What is more interesting of twins, in addition to the fact that they are identical to each other on a physical level, is that many times the two individuals that make up this twin relationship also live an intimate and very deep bond emotional or sensitive that allows one to know or feel the sensations that the other has at a certain moment.
Themes in Twins