Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Abr. 2009
While the term 'gender' is directly related to biology and sexual identity of living beings, today it is mostly used to refer to the sociological differences that are established in the individuals of a society according to the gender they belong to. This term is therefore of great complexity since it matters so much to natural Sciences as well as the social ones (from which the evolution of the notion of gender over time, sociological behavior patterns, etc).
The notion of gender is for women social Sciences the one that establishes patterns of behavior, roles and differentiated activities within a social group according to the gender to which each individual belongs. These guidelines have implied throughout much of human history the discrimination, exercised in various ways, of the female gender (also known as the 'weaker sex') compared to its male counterpart. This becomes visible through the different socially performed activities, towards disabling history of women to participate in numerous phenomena (above all politicians) and even in the supposed
belief established that man is the one who must decide on the future and development of women in society.Currently, and especially from the changes that occurred in this regard throughout the twentieth century, the notion of gender has gained great importance with regard to the revaluation of women, their social role, the importance of her not only as a reproducer but also as a worker and thinker, of her rights to receive equal treatment in work situations and of the need to receive protection and defense in situations of danger, threat or aggression male. At the same time, the complexity of today's societies also makes it necessary to review the notion gender, especially in relation to the popularization of new genres and identities sexual.
Gender Topics