Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Feb. 2011
Considered one of the most important and used elements in the group of food, glucose is a natural element that is normally obtained from fruits or from the processing of cereals and that serves both to sweeten and also to give other properties to food, especially flexibility and durability. Glucose, regardless of its use in cooking, is primarily a chemical element extremely important as food since it is from there that a large part of living beings (including vegetables and plants) obtain their Energy to survive. Glucose is considered to be the element organic more abundant in all of nature due to its presence in a myriad of natural elements: all vegetables and plants obtain it from the photosynthesis in which inorganic elements such as Water or sunlight are turned into food.
In scientific terms, we can say that glucose is a monosaccharide, which means that it has a simple structure that is not can decompose more since it is the simplest structure from which more complex structures are assembled like other types of sugars. The
formula molecular structure or the structure of glucose molecules is C6H12O6, which means that this The structure is made up of six carbon molecules, twelve hydrogen molecules, and six hydrogen molecules. oxygen.Glucose is a sugar that is naturally present in elements such as fruits or honey. Fruits also have another type of natural sugar known as fructose. This is easily proven by tasting different fruits or honey and one immediately distinguishes its sweet taste. However, sugar or glucose can also be obtained from other elements but at an industrial level: when different cereals are processed such as corn and wheat, the starch is separated and from a process known as enzymatic hydrolysis, glucose can also be obtained.
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