Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2011
According to the context in which it is used, the word hesitate You can refer different questions.
Something or someone is mobilized without sufficient firmness
When someone or something moves without enough firmness and it will most likely eventually end up reeling or giving rise to some kind of movement oscillating it will be said of him that he wavers.
The vase wavered a bit before falling squarely into the I usually and break into a thousand pieces.”
That which is not firm
On the other hand, when something is not firm enough it should be where it is, there will also be talk of hesitation.
“ The step hesitates a bit when we step on it, we should fix it to avoid accidents.”
Person who expresses hesitation before a decision
Also, when an individual before a certain circumstance of life or before a decision important that he must take, yes or yes, is shown with doubts, hesitations, or indecision floods him not knowing which way to go finally, we often say that she hesitates before making the decision.
“My mother hesitates at every proposal that involves the decision between two or more options.”
We must say in this regard that there are individuals who have a habitual and natural inclination to hesitation, that is, almost always and Faced with most of the decisions and actions they must take, they are hesitant, they doubt, they are undecided about the best way to go. drink.
Undoubtedly, this is closely linked to a state of unsafety that prevails in him.
Insecure people tend to be hesitant about everything and of course this situation often complicates their development since in that indecision they can lose important opportunities that end up taking advantage of them others.
It is very good to be cautious on many occasions but constant hesitation and in everything is not good either, neither extreme is advisable.
Get drunk
On the other hand, in some places, the word vacillate is often applied as a synonym for get drunkIn other words, when someone goes out on the town to have fun with her friends and the idea is to drink a lot of alcohol, they will tell themselves that they are hesitating.
The person who gets drunk with recurrence and who therefore has an alcohol dependence suffers from a disease which is called in our language alcoholism.
Alcoholism is a very frequent social problem in our society that does not discriminate between cultures, sexes, ages, or social classes.
In most alcoholism situations, the drunk person usually commits actions and manifests incorrect statements that make third parties uncomfortable.
That disinhibition that alcohol tends to produce in most people will make the drunk do and say the first thing that comes to mind and that always turns out to be a problem.
There are effective treatments for dependent alcoholics, but of course, there must be a clear will on their part when it comes to dealing with professionals.
There are different types of therapies that can consist of hospitalizations to detoxify and get away from addiction and they are also the famous alcoholic gatherings, which are usually led by ex-drinkers who help those who want to quit drinking alcohol.
The fact of having gone through the experience attributes to them a more concrete and effective knowledge of the problem when solving it.
To joke
And in the language current, the word vacillate can imply the take someone or something as a joke and do it with a special irony.
“ You better stop hesitating at work otherwise you will be reprimanded by the boss.”
The jokes consist of taunts that are made to someone with the mission of laughing at something that implies it but is not intended to mortify them.
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