Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2014
A crack is an opening that appears spontaneously in a surface.
On geologyFor example, this is the name given to those long and narrow openings that result from the separation of two materials. Meanwhile, specialists in the field distinguish that they can be of two types: contraction and wedge.
Shrinkage cracks are quite wide and occur when the I usually or a rock. While wedge cracks, which have a vertical shape, are generated after the rapid freezing of the soil.
On the other hand, a crack is a deep cut or opening, of an elongated and shallow shape that arises on the surface of the dermis or on the mucous membranes. So, cracks are a common condition that people can suffer from on our skin and that can usually be treated with skin specialists, such is the case of dermatologists, who usually indicate for your treatment hyper-moisturizing creams that should be applied precisely to the affected area. In those more complex cases, they usually cause pain and discomfort in the part of the skin affected by them.
The concept of crack is also often applied in the world of art to designate that defect that presents precisely an artistic work such as a film, a concert, a play. It should be noted that these have a strict subjective burden on the person who makes the criticism and that is why for u critical Something may be a crack while for another it is not.
And finally, the rumex acetosa plant, native to the continent European and that it is especially cultivated for its edible leaves. It is also called as cruet and common sorrel.
It is a really simple plant to grow, it can appear in any type of soil, although it occurs more in those rich in iron and in rather humid areas.
It can measure a subway high and produces a flowers reddish-green in color that when mature they turn purple.