Definition of military coup
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2014
The concept that we will deal with below has a special use in the political field since it is called that violent and unexpected seizure of power by part or all of the force active military of a nation.
It should be noted that this action's mission is to displace the current authorities, normally elected by constitutional means, and to establish a regime with a strong totalitarian tendency.
Historically, military coups have been the consequence of a state of crisis that involves several aspects: political, social and economic, that crosses a nation and that does not sustain itself anymore because, for example, there is a strong split Come in government and people. That is, the weaknesspolitics management, added to a state of dissatisfaction on the part of the people who do not feel at all represented by their leaders, is the most common cause that triggers a military coup.
Meanwhile, the military forces, especially linked to the achievement and maintenance Of the order of a country, they react to a state of affairs like the one expressed and then decide to take action on the matter to avoid a total split or fracture in the community.
Now, in this eagerness to restore order by force, it has been a constant in history that military coups instead of restoring peace and harmony have imposed even more terror and chaos than there was, this has occurred especially as a consequence that they are usually motivated by running to a group or party of the scene politics and not to improve the common good or well-being of society.
Furthermore, another transcendent issue that cannot be ignored is that as a result of the lack of legitimacy available to governments that result from military coups is that it is common for them to impose regimes with authoritarian characteristics and forcefully limit freedoms individual.
Another issue that accompanies military coups is the permission and support that they usually have on the part of a sector of power of the society in question, such is the case of the industry, the agricultural livestock, financial, among others. That is to say, a military coup always has some support from these sectors that allow it to reach a successful conclusion and that stick by force military because they have an interest, for example economic, to remove the government of the day that favors us in their interests.
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