Definition of Gran Colombia
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jan. 2016
Gran Colombia is a country that no longer exists, as it is about the temporary merger of Colombia (then called Nueva Granada) with other neighboring nations. Specifically, Gran Colombia was the union of New Granada, Panama, Venezuela and Ecuador. Gran Colombia was formed in 1821 after the Congress of Cúcuta, dying out in 1831, a few months after the death of Simón Bolívar, the ideologue of Gran Colombia.
Internal disagreements within the new nation
The driving force behind the new nation It was the liberator Simón Bolívar, who sought to create a nation large and powerful enough to compete with the European powers. Gran Colombia was the result of a strategypolitics of the constituent nations to join forces. However, since his Constitution Greater Colombia experienced a permanent political tension between two groups: the federalists and the centralists. The option that initially prevailed was the centralist, which was led by Simón Bolívar. Centralism created internal discrepancies, as Venezuela lost its military influence in its
territory and Panama disagreed for economic reasons.Historians argue that Gran Colombia as a nation also failed due to the few communication in the immense territory and, very especially, by the lack of political will of the different social sectors to consolidate a full integration of the different territories.
In 1826 a separatist process took place promoted by the Venezuelan José Antonio Páez, popularly known as La Cosiata. In that context there were two opposing positions: the one headed by Bolívar who defended power central and led by the Vice President of Greater Colombia, Francisco de Paula Santander, who proposed the federalism. The two opposing views are the origin of the classic Latin American division between liberals and conservatives, since Santanderism represented the liberalism and Bolivarianism had a more conservative spirit. This ideological confrontation led to the dictatorship of Bolívar as of 1828 and the consequent internal tensions promoted by the opponents of Bolívar.
The end of Gran Colombia
The Bolivarian dream of establishing a great nation disappeared when Venezuela promoted a new Constitution and the definitive break with Greater Colombia. The Venezuelan decision was the trigger for the separation of Ecuador and a new framework of relations between Colombia and Panama. The unexpected death of Simón Bolívar in 1830 was also another factor that exacerbated the dismemberment of the new nation.
The dissolution of Gran Colombia resulted in a new denomination for the current Colombian territory, since from 1831 to 1858 it received the name of the Republic of New Granada, then it was called the Granadine Confederation until 1853, later it was called the United States of Colombia and finally the Republic of Colombia in 1886.
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