Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2013
The term vandal can be used either as a noun or as a qualifying adjective. In the language Common and common, it is used to refer to a person who behaves in a violent way, who causes material damage, who steals, who assaults or who generates dangerous situations.
The origin of the word vandal has to do with one of the barbarian groups that put the Roman empire of the West in the 5th century. The Vandals were a Germanic people who were on the borders of the Empire, more specifically in central Europe, from where they began to push for land, benefits and rewards. The idea of violence Y aggression was historically associated with this word since, like the rest of the barbarian peoples, the Vandals used violent methods and blood vessels to penetrate the Roman Empire, besieging the settlements there, taking spoils of war and destroying the cities founded. For the considered older civilization of the West (the Roman), the actions of these groups were always understood as acts of savagery and violence.
Today, the word vandal is used to refer to a person or a group of people who they act in the same way, organized or not, to destroy, steal, loot and violate property private, etc. Vandalism is a very common social phenomenon in today's societies in which violence is a constant feature. Often times, vandalism has to do with deeper causes such as misery, poverty, the inequality and the laziness in which one population it may be submerged, but many other times vandalism has no apparent causes other than the pleasure that destroying and breaking can generate for a person or group of people.
It is normal for acts of vandalism to take place when there are demonstrations, protest marches, etc. But also vandalism is a common action of groups that are not politically committed, such as, for example, the barrabravas or violent fans of football that use these media not as a form of protest but simply as a way to take advantage, steal, loot and destroy everything that is in their possession. He passed.
Themes in Vandal