Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2012
The word venerate expresses the act of dispensing a large I respect to someone, or to something, as a result of the qualities they present, or because of their virtues that are also worthy of praise and appreciation.
Show something or someone respect or appreciation for the qualities or virtues they have
Although normally the action is directed to the veneration of issues that are linked to what spiritual and religious, the word is also often applied when wanting to manifest the enormous admiration that a woman or a man can awaken due to their physical beauty or his intellectual capacity, among other qualities. “Juan does nothing but venerate his mother, because she rescued him from the street and gave him a precious home. The beauty of Mary is worthy of veneration.”
In the latter case we must say that clearly the subjectivity of the person will influence the determination of veneration; if she is someone who is moved mostly by the physical, she will tend to venerate in someone precisely her beauty, Whereas if you are especially interested in matters of the soul, or spiritual, your veneration will focus on these aspects.
Religion: cult of the sacred
Meanwhile, in the field of religion, the term in question is of special importance since it refers to the worship that a faithful, a believer of a certain religious doctrine, renders to the sacred, understanding by sacred to certain figures, objects, personalities, among others.
The veneration of the saints in the Catholic belief implies commitment and absolute surrender
At the behest of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Religion, and of the Orthodox, to name just a few beliefs, it turns out to be a recurring practice veneration of the saints, that is, of those people who, due to the magnificent actions they performed in life, miracles, works of charity, among others, have passed to immortality, and were beatified by the Church, that is, the institution ecclesiastical officially recognized them as saints.
Among the most prominent and notable cases, the Virgin mary, Mother of jesus, who is one of the saints of the Catholic religion who receives the most veneration among the Catholic faithful throughout the world.
So, so that the faithful can effectively venerate his saints, there are, in the churches, of the most outstanding figures, figures that represent their physical features, and also some signs and objects that highlight them.
The faithful devotees of a saint carry out the veneration of this in the corresponding religious house, and when his festivity, goes to it, with some floral offering, or of another type, to be near him, pray to him, and demonstrate his absolute commitment.
There are people who have great devotion to a figure, and then, in the name of that love unconditional is that they are capable of performing acts of absolute surrender, in which they perform some kind of sacrifice.
For example, people who travel long distances in homage to the figure they venerate.
One of the most emblematic cases of this type of event lives in the Argentine Republic, where in October, the Catholic faithful carry out the popular pilgrimage to the Buenos Aires town of Luján, in which the basilica that houses the Virgin of Luján.
The pilgrimage of the faithful usually starts from the federal capital of the country, and from other towns and provinces, and they march during the night and early morning to be able to arrive early in the morning at the famous basilica, participate in the mass in commemoration of the virgin, and of course approach her image to be able to pray to her and thank you.
Veneration of the symbols and heroes of the country
On the other hand, the veneration that is given to national symbols, patrios, of a nationSuch is the case of the flag, the shield, the anthem, or any other custom that is associated with national history.
And not to mention the veneration that is destined to the so-called heroes of the country, which are usually those individuals who have given their own lives in pursuit of the realization of the Liberty of that nation.
The term in question presents an important variety of synonyms, among which stands out that of to adore which is undoubtedly the one that we apply the most in its place when it is necessary.
Because to admire is also to lavish a remarkable esteem on something or someone.
The concept that opposes veneration is despise, because it supposes the opposite, to have little esteem for someone or something.
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