Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2010
At the request of Hinduism, Will be called guru to that individual who plays a role of spiritual guide, teacher.
Hinduism: spiritual guide and teacher who guides his student to achieve enlightenment
Hinduism is the majority religion that exists in India and that stands out especially for the multiplicity of gods it venerates, and the rites it professes, and also for the reverence to the lineage, the promotion of vegetarianism (a diet that is based only on consuming vegetable products and the exclusion of meat consumption) and the faith in reincarnation.
Originally, in the India, the guru, was the individual who taught his disciple the recitation of the mantraLikewise, he was in charge of instructing him regarding that related to the sastras or sacred writings and in the act of investiture of his student, he assumed the role of priest.
All this responsibility educational was possible because the guru was considered a being who had reached enlightenmentIn other words, he was more than just a religion teacher.
As a consequence of the state of conscience acquired after enlightenment, the guru is in a position to bring the disciple out of the darkness in which he is immersed in order to reveal to him the divine truth that remains hidden in his inside. The most common practices through which he will be able to convey all this truth are meditation on the one hand and the prayer for another.
But not everyone is qualified to assume the role of guru in Hinduism, it requires a special predisposition and also the observation of certain qualities, the most salient being that of modesty.
The guru must know how to transmit it to his student so that she can observe it since only through it will it be possible for the student to reach the enlightenment of his teacher.
Characteristics of Hinduism
Hinduism holds a series of religious beliefs that do not have a central organization, being especially cultivated in India, Nepal, on the Island of Mauritius in Africa and on the Island of Bali in Indonesia.
Of course with time and globalizationThese beliefs were spreading throughout the planet and it is also possible to meet representatives in Europe, the United States and the Middle East.
After Christianity and Islam, it is the religion with the most faithful in the world. Although the main difference with these is the worship of several gods at the same time.
With regard to his deepest dogmas we must mention his belief in the reincarnation of the soul after the death of the body, the distinction of what is pure from what is not, promotion of normative moral, especially one that encourages the non-exercise of any type of violence and the asceticism that implies leading an austere and sacrificial life.
Person who is respected because of his intellectual authority or because he knows a lot about something
On the other hand and with the passing of time, the term ceased to be the exclusive heritage of Hindus with which to name their spiritual and religious leaders, today, the term is used to refer to that person respected by authority intellectual that manifests and is therefore followed within a community.
We can also find other terms related to guru such as: gurukula (school in which all members are considered part of the family guru). For his part, Guru Purnima It is the day on which the guru is honored, according to the Vedic calendar it is the guru's birthday.
Westerners tend to use the expression guru a lot in common language when we want to refer to those people who know a great deal about a certain subject.
“ Argentine cook Maru Botana has become my kitchen guru, I follow each of her recipes and recommendations.”
Somehow, the concept, transferred to the West, has been banalized in some way and all kinds of religious attribution have been removed, and so it is that all we use precisely to refer to those people that we respect, admire, because they are a guide for us, therefore they know about a subject in particular.
Themes in Guru