Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2010
The term veto has a Latin root and directly refers a ban, a denial of something.
Prohibition of something, usually of a law which was sanctioned by Parliament
It is generally employed by a party, an organization or authority, which has the right to stop, prohibit, unilaterally a certain rule, namely, with the veto you can stop any change made on a norm, although what cannot be done through the veto is to adopt some change.
In some international organizations, the countries considered power have the right of veto in order to oppose a law or decision even if it has been approved by a majority.
On the other hand, it is widely used at the behest of government management, especially in democratic systems where there are division of powers and the congress is in charge of discussing and promulgating the current regulations.
Exclusive power of the Executive Power
In many countries, the president of the nation also has the power to veto any regulation or law once it has been approved and promulgated by the
Legislative power.We must say that the veto is a faculty that is circumscribed only to the Executive power.
Examples of its application
For example, in USA, the president has the power to veto that legislation that has already passed through Congress, although that right does not turn out to be absolute, because a qualified majority of two thirds of both houses can still approve a law even with a presidential veto weighing on it, but if, on the contrary, the law has only a simple majority, the president's veto will be decisive.
Another country in which the president also has this power is the Argentina, one of the most emblematic examples in this regard that the country has recently experienced was the presidential veto of the so-called law of the 82% mobile that provided for the increase in pensions and that it was approved by both houses of the National Congress and that captured the attention of public opinion because with the veto of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner A rule that benefited a good part of the retirees was left without effect, because if it was not vetoed, the retirees and pensioners would collect a minimum retirement that should be no less than 82% with respect to of minimum salary vital and mobile charge for active workers.
An even closer application in this country of a veto that also caused a revolution in public opinion was the veto of President Mauricio Macri of the so-called anti-law. dismissals, which Congress voted and which implied the impossibility of the companies to dismiss employees for 180 days and also enabled the dismissed employee to demand the double compensation.
Conditions and scope of the presidential veto
We must clarify that in these cases, the presidents of a country have this power to annul a law or project that was duly approved by the parliament or a state body, but it always implies the denial of a modification or something new, it never implies the possibility of promoting some of these issues.
With the presidential veto, the law or regulation voted on is absolutely prevented from being put into effect.
Meanwhile, the veto can be total, of the whole law or partial, that is, some parts are prohibited.
Normally the law imposes a period of time for the president to execute or not the veto of a law, which for example in the case of Argentina is 10 business days.
His declaration is usually made through a decree or declaration that is correspondingly endorsed ministerially.
In the case of advise of Safety from the ONU, who are the permanent members, Russia, China, United States, United Kingdom and France, they have the right of veto, which turns out to be absolute, because although the rest of the members have voted to in favor of a law if one of the permanent members does so against it, it will be resolutely rejected.
But the concept can be used in countless contexts in which you want to account for an opposition, a rejection, or the disagreement that exists about something or someone.
For example, in personal relationships: "my dad was blunt, he vetoed my new boyfriend for considering him very rude."
In a commercial context: "my partner vetoed the possibility of a new shareholder joining the company."
Issues in Veto