Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Apr. 2012
When someone or something has very few years of existence it is popularly said of them that they are young.
Thus a man, a woman, a dog, a brand, a product, a company, a entrepreneurship, among others, may be considered young when they are very young.
People, animals, things that are only a few years old
Then and by extension, animals, human beings, who have not yet reached sexual maturity, are called young.
Young people are in early, early development of biology.
Because it is a term that implies the first times of something or someone, it is closely related to concepts such as those of vigor, Energy, freshness.
Associated with youth
Also, the word youth is used to account for everything that belongs to or is associated with youth, a person for example.
Youth is that stage of a person's life that begins at puberty, at age 10, and extends into adulthood, approximately after age twenty, finding the top at 24 years, which is where adulthood begins, according to what the United Nations Organization (UN).
Stages of youth
According to classification of the UN , youth, extends from the 10 to 24 years and comprises three periods: initial youth (from 10 to 14 years old), middle youth (from 15 to 19 years old) and full youth (from 20 to 24 years old).
A fundamental stage of life in the development of the person
Youth is one of the most transcendental stages in the life of individuals, since in the itself there are important issues and changes, such as: physical, social and psychological, the education, entering the world of work, delineation of the draft from family, among the most outstanding events.
Problems of this stage
And we cannot ignore that a series of problems also arise in youth, nowadays, which greatly affect young people, and in some serious cases, end up complicating their lives. conforming development, for example, it is necessary to pay attention to them and build a bridge to young people so that they can solve them satisfactorily and thus be able to continue their growth without cracks.
Among them we can mention, at present, the great approach of young people to alcohol, drugs, that is, addictions in general.
Youth unemployment is the other scourge, which in many situations goes hand in hand with what we mentioned about addictions, the lack of opportunities given to them. Young people in many labor markets, especially underdeveloped ones, trigger depressions and also that dangerous approach to decompressing drugs.
Culture determines the youth of its people
Now, and beyond these classifications that are made at the institutional level, youth is a question that sometimes is not so simple to determine in a conclusive way, since sometimes it depends on various factors that mix the biological, the social, the culture, among other issues.
The community in which a person is inserted is certainly important when determining whether or not someone is young, and so are the times, because without think In centuries ago, there are many differences between the youth of today and yesterday.
The fact that people's life expectancy has been extended over the years, the evolution of science in the development of cosmetic products, and of medicine in the creation of treatments and special interventions to increase youth, has been decisive in this sense and that is why today a 40-year-old person is considered by society as young, when thousands of years ago he was not, and even more, he was very close to the death.
The other side of the young is the old, and that by case and by opposition allows us to define and determine what is young and what is not.
We call in our culture, old man, that person of advanced age.
There is an annual day, August 12th, in which, as of 1999, and at the request of the United Nations General Assembly , youth is celebrated globally: the International Youth Day.
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