Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jan. 2019
Since its most remote origins, Christianity has presented different theological currents. One of them is Arianism. This name refers to Arius, a priest and ascetic of the III century AD. C who lived in Alexandria and who was a disciple of Lucian of Antioch, from whom he assumed a thesis very particular about the figure of Jesus Christ: his nature was half human, half divine.
A current that questioned the official Christian church
This priest of Alexandria denied the dogma of the Trinity. Thus, he understood that the son of God should be understood as a being totally subordinate to the Father. At the same time, he held that Jesus Christ was the adopted son of God. In this way, Jesus Christ was not considered God and was simply a man whose mission was to collaborate with the Creator. In this sense, the Son does not know the Father and, consequently, cannot reveal anything about him.
The teachings of Arius were gaining adherents among the members of the Christian churches, especially in the north of
Africa, the Iberian Peninsula and the territories of Antioquia.In the Roman empire the doctrine Arianism was consolidated among the nobles, the military establishment and the political elites. This situation caused a split within Christianity, since on the one hand there was the official Roman version and, on the other, the Arian current.
At the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. C there was an anathema against Arianism
Emperor Constantine watched with concern the boom of Arianism in their domains and for this reason promoted the Council of Nicea. There the Christian bishops met to debate the doctrines of Arius and his followers. The main conclusion of the council was to discredit those who questioned the dogma of the Trinity and denied the deity of Jesus Christ.
The anathema or condemnation against Arianism implied the expulsion of this current from the bosom of the church. In other words, his followers became heretics. Although this heretical current was weakening with the passage of time, its principles have not ceased to be maintained. In this sense, Jehovah's Witnesses are considered their natural heirs.
Other heretical currents
Gnosticism developed between the first and third centuries and its followers claimed that they possessed a knowledge of a higher order than faith (in the Middle Ages the Cathars, also known as Albigenses, followed the doctrines of Gnosticism).
Docetism arose in the 1st century and in its postulates the divine nature of Jesus Christ is denied and the fact of his crucifixion is questioned.
Manichaeism emerged in the third century and according to its followers God had sent the humanity to the prophet Mani to enlighten men about Good and Evil.
Montanism developed in the 11th century and was not intended to deviate from the official version of Christianity, but yes to emphasize some prophetic aspects (they announced that the end of time would take place shortly weather).
Photo Fotolia: Jorisvo
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