What is Independence?
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
The word independence It has various explanations or definitions, however we will take the most used.
Independence: It can be said quality of independent.
State that enjoys freedom and autonomy, it should be noted that "State" refers to a country.
It is also understood, as the situation, that this is a group of people who are not subject to others.
As for example: independence of Spanish America.
“War of armed conflict and revolution in the Spanish colonies of America that led to the emancipation of colonial rule and the formation of various nations. The bad administration and the colonial monopoly caused an economic crisis that facilitated the penetration of the ideas of the French Revolution and the American Revolution in the Creole bourgeoisie. At the same time, Britain and the United States encouraged separatism. On the other hand, war of independence and the revolution of 1820 in Spain weakened the central power and led to the formation of Juntas that acted with a certain autonomy from the royal power.
The first independence uprisings, Hidalgo in 1811 and Morelos from 1812 to 1815, were minimized by the royal forces. After some hesitant beginnings, it entered a phase of generalized conflict throughout the continent from 1816 to 1824, after the declaration of independence from Argentina in 1816. The army of San Martin crossed the Andes and with the support of O'Higgins, liberated Chile in the year from 1817 to 1818 and Peru in 1821. Meanwhile in the north, Simón Bolívar defeated the royalists in Boyacá in 1819, Liberating Nueva Granada, and in Carabobo in 1821, which meant the independence of Venezuela, Sucre, Bolívar's lieutenant, obtained the independence from Ecuador in 1822.
San Martin and Bolívar met in Guayaquil in June 1822. In the battle of Ayacucho, the last Spanish resistance was liquidated. While Iturbide completed the liberation of Mexico in 1821 and the colonies of Central America were constituted in the Federation of the United Provinces of Central America ”.