Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2008
Skill is the fitness innate talent skill or ability of a person to carry out and of course successfully, a certain activity, job or trade.
Almost all human beings, even those who observe some motor problem or disability Intellectual, among others, are distinguished by some type of aptitude.
As long as and according to the fact that not all individuals are the same, we come from the same side or we like the same, not all beings Humans observe the same skill for the same things and luckily, thanks to this there is the diversification of tasks and jobs. Thus, there are people who possess and demonstrate a propensity to develop physical abilities, either because they have a formidable genetics, resilience that allows them and most importantly in this sense, a certain talent special, for example, a footballer who lives with a ball at his feet or as they say figuratively, "tied to the feet", "playing little game". These types of physical abilities are generally referred to as skills. For current models of neural analysis, it is postulated that this usually innate physical ability requires empowerment through frequent practice to lead to exploitation in a way from
intelligence which differs from the conventional concept of that expression.Then there are those who, for example, lack these physical skills that characterize the practice of sports activities, but have an incredible capacity for numbers; by way of example, these are those individuals who easily estimate how many balls will fit in a bag, but not how to kick just one of them at goal. This type of skill with numbers, which requires the intervention of formal intelligence, is known as aptitudes. This intellectual power, like physical skills, requires its enhancement and increase through practice and training. Many subjects have formidable potential in one of these areas, but insufficient implementation significantly reduces performance.
Also the skill or talent can be in the hands of a person, for example, sewing is a talent. Meanwhile, talents can be inherited: Ana's mother is an excellent seamstress, so Ana will have many chances to inherit the ability to sew. It is also possible to learn a talent, although of course, in this case and unlike what happens with people who innately possess one, whoever learns to do something must always practice it, because the absence of practice over time causes a I forget.
It is worth noting that certain skills are only acquired through learning. This case is represented by what is called the motor program or, in technical terms, the motor engram. The most characteristic example is the ability to drive a vehicle. For this purpose, the neat coordination of the four limbs, the vision, the hearing, the Balance, intelligence and control of emotions. These tasks, in turn, must be amalgamated in the right dose and at the right time. After the initial practices of the one who begins to drive, the ability to operate a motor vehicle is "recorded" in the form of neural circuits that give practicality and automaticity to the movements. Therefore, driving a vehicle is a skill that does not strictly represent a skill, a talent or an aptitude, but a conjunction of variables in which all these elements contribute to a greater or lesser degree grade. That is why some individuals never manage to drive, while others acquire the skill enough to drive a passenger transport or a competition mobile.
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