What is Psoriasis?
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
The term Psoriasis derives from the Greek Psora, itching, and is a skin condition characterized by an acceleration in the rate of cell division, leading to delimited areas of inflammation, dryness, and the appearance of scales whitish.
It is not a contagious disease, and its cause is unknown, although it appears to be due to an autoimmune reaction for which it is believed, there is a genetic predisposition.
There are a few circumstances that can act as triggers: trauma, infection, some drugs, and mental, metabolic, endocrine or weather disturbances.
There are several types of psoriasis:
The most common is plaque psoriasis, in which well-defined areas begin to become inflamed and whitish scales appear. It generally does not affect the skin folds.
Inverse psoriasis, which affects areas where there are skin folds.
Guttate psoriasis, characterized by being more generalized, forms of small dots or drops on the skin.
Scalp psoriasis, which appears on the head and can be confused with ringworm.
Psoriatic arthritis When psoriasis is accompanied by suffering in the joints.
So far no cure has been found. Furthermore, its evolution is unpredictable: it can appear and last for a few months or years, and then suddenly remit, sometimes for a long time, others for a few days; and then reappear for equally irregular periods.
Therefore, treatments are aimed at treating the most bothersome symptoms. To reduce itching, it is recommended to apply sun baths, bathe in sea water, apply creams moisturizers, which may contain calendula or other healing agents, and vitamins A, D and derivatives of Aloe vera or pitch.
In reluctant cases, ointments based on corticosteroids, keratolytics are applied to remove the scales and systemic treatments (taken) such as Cyclosporine or Methotrexate.