Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2009
Considered one of the deepest yet unsolved problems of Humanity, famine is undoubtedly a situation of extreme misery and inequality through which much of the population world cannot access the food more basic. Famine is nothing more than the most explicit and direct lack of food for a large part of the population, and it is here that becomes one of the issues that require the most urgent resolution: famine is never suffered by a small portion of the population. civilization human. Failure to attend implies high levels of indifference, lack of solidarity and of love for the other.
Famine can be generated by different causes, usually several at the same time. When a population falls prey to a punishment such as a famine, this may be due to phenomena internal to that same society (such as lack of resources in the region, inability of the rulers to improve the distribution, social chaos, etc.), as well as external phenomena (economic and social exploitation exerted by other population, the occurrence of natural disasters, the abandonment of the rest of the nations of the planet). It is normal to observe that all these causes occur together since famine never arises from one day to the next, but is a long-term process.
History tells us numerous situations of famine that have marked entire societies in different regions of the planet. Among them, medieval famines, the late 19th century famine in Ireland, the famine of the Soviet Union in the 20th century or those of a large part of the African countries (which still exist in the 21st century) are just some of the most flashy. In all of them, the punished populations were decimated by death caused by lack of food. Recovering from such a situation is never easy and requires not only changes at the economic or political level, but also at the social and cultural.
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