Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Victoria Bembibre, in Dec. 2008
![inheritance inheritance](/f/7a3bdfea4a3a20e22eb11dfb7aef3e3a.jpg)
There are two main meanings of the concept of inheritance, both linked to the transmission of goods or characteristics from one generation to another or from one individual to another or others.
In biology, Genetic inheritance consists of the transmission of the content of the DNAmobile from a living being to his descendants. This content is diverse but it will share with its parent or parents anatomical, physical, biological characteristics and, sometimes, of personality.
The study of genes seeks to understand how the characters that exist in the cells of every living being can be transmitted from one to another. Genetic processes are complex and have led to various studies, including genetic engineering, which seeks not only to understand how they take place these processes, but also to develop a technology that allows the manipulation of genes to enhance some and limit others in pursuit of the improvement of beings alive. Typically, this discipline seeks to contribute to the investigation of hereditary diseases, that is, that are passed from generation to generation, trying to find the cause of this transmission and stop it. Indeed, in the field of genetics, it is possible to define both the inheritance of natural or favorable elements and complications caused by mutations. Biologists call a mutation a change that occurs in genes, either spontaneously caused or induced by factors such as radiation or some toxic products. Most of the mutations are harmful to individuals, since they reduce the function of
protein, enzymes or other important components of vital processes.Genetics are also involved in some conditions that originate in alterations of the DNA content of cells, such as Down syndrome, in which there is an extra chromosome per each cell. Advances in genetics linked to this condition seek to improve the health and quality of life of people with this syndrome.
It is also genetics (with its analysis of inheritance) that has led to the cloning, that is, the repetition of the genetic code from one individual to another, for which beings with identical DNA are formed. This theme, like the "production" of organisms transgenic, is the subject of intense debate.
As the other side, in Right, inheritance is the legal act through which a person transfers his assets (and also rights and obligations) to other so-called "heirs" upon death. In general, the heirs are close relatives of the deceased, such as his children or widow. Associated with the inheritance is the will, a generally written document that dictates the will of the deceased in terms of to whom each portion of his property and possessions will correspond. In the absence of a will, the law it establishes who is recognized as heir and in what proportion the assets will be distributed.
An inheritance can be accepted or renounced by the heir, and even he can legitimately challenge the will if he understands, through it, the damage to his person. In this sense, it is appropriate to remember that front men are individuals who appear before the law and the treasury as the owners or owners of property, to avoid that their true owners have to pay taxes or appear named in a way public. Defining the royal inheritance in the presence of figureheads can be, on many occasions, a really difficult task.
Commonly, the set of possessions that are received by the heir is also called "inheritance" and this is often associated with the transfer of fortunes, properties and other assets of high value. This more widespread sense of the term is often associated with various speculations, which are not always related to reality.
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