Definition of Hybrid in Biology
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jan. 2018
A hybrid Biological is the genetic combination of different races, genera or species through the reproduction sexual. Genetic experimentation allows the modification of living beings through the crossing of two organisms of different species and as a result a hybrid being is produced.
However, over thousands of years humans have created new species of plants and animal races without the need to manipulate the code genetics in a laboratory.
Examples of fruits and plants
The female and male seeds are responsible for generating a hybrid. The female flower's stamens are cut off before they can release pollen, and pollen is extracted from the male flower through an aspiration process and the female flower is fertilized with it.
There are many hybrid plant species. Clementine is the result of an accidental hybridization process, since it involves the fusion of two plant species, the mandarin and the bitter orange. The red horse chestnut is a mixture of two different species: Aesculus hippocastanum and Aesculus pavia. The pink grapefruit or grapefruit is a hybrid species spontaneously, as it is obtained from the pampelmusa and the sweet orange. In the
classificationbotany the banana is known with the denomination Musa x paradisiaca, since these two varieties are the origin of the hybrid.Examples of animal hybridization between different species
Among the species that can hybridize freely are wolves, dogs, jackals and lycaons, but foxes could not be part of a possible cross because the number of their chromosomes is different.
In the family Of the felines there are curious crosses, since domestic cats can be crossed with some wild cats in order to obtain new breeds of cats. On the other hand, tigers, leopards and jaguars can interbreed with each other freely.
Africanized bees, also known as killer bees, are the result of a scientific experiment.
We ourselves, the human species, have starred in hybridization processes throughout history. Remember that the species homo sapiens It is the result of crossing other species of homo, such as Neanderthals.
Hybrids in fiction
Human fantasy has also created hybrid species, especially in the world of mythology. Some of these beings are the minotaur (body of man and head of bull), pegasus (a horse with wings) or mermaids and mermen (half fish and half human).
Photos: Fotolia - Jogimie Gan / Itsallgood
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