Tayde Name Meaning
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
The names have different origins and meanings which could vary according to the place, the custom and the generating cause of the name.
Thus the names like Pedro or Cicero in his case, come from gentilices and simple origins.
The Tayde name meaning It must be sought in the way in which we would decipher the name of Pedro that comes from stone and from there the surname is derived (Pérez or Péres, according to the region or culture), and Cicero was the nickname that was given to the philosopher who is known thus, and its meaning is pea or Chicharito.
Tayde means:
Tayde comes from the Egyptian language and means theban or inhabitant of Thebes, which makes us deduce that it may have come from Thebes.
Initially it was written with Latin i, but later the y (ye) was added as it is currently used in the name.
In France it is used in a habitual and indistinct way to name newborns children but it is applicable to boys and girls alike, as is the case with the name Andrea, which is applied interchangeably as mentioned above.
This name has been spread in the West by a saint of Egyptian origin called "thais", (from which Tayde derives), and that she was brought into a monastery to test her repentance after having led a life libertine.
The faith and fervor with which she conducted herself in the monastery, led her to convert to religious life, reaching sanctity.