Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jun. 2010
The term lodging refers to the service provided in tourist situations and that consists of allowing a person or group of people to access a hostel in exchange for a fee. Under the same term, the specific place of shelter can also be designated, be it a house, a building, a cabin or a Department.
The term lodging comes from the word to host, to receive guests in their own hostel. Taking care of someone with a lodging, that is, with the possibility of sleeping indoors is one of the most characteristic attentions that a human being can have with another, and in many cases this accommodation can be disinterested and free depending on who it is the receiver of the same. However, in the present, the word lodging is mainly related to providing such service in exchange for a fee or money according to the quality of the place as well as other complementary services. Thus, we find the activity of hosting as one of the Pilates of the tourism since it allows people to move from one place to another with the possibility of accessing some type of shelter in exchange for a certain payment.
Normally, accommodation can vary greatly from one case to another, even in the same area you can find different types of accommodation, from very exclusive to very cheap and accessible. When we talk about lodging in this sense, it is understood that the service includes a room of varied size with a bed. Other additional services may or may not be included (such as showers and toilets, Water hot elements entertainment, food service or catering, attention medical, safety, etc), but all of them will always add a plus that will make the final fee to pay may be higher or lower depending on each case.
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