Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2012
The honor is a human quality that is applied to those individuals who behave strictly according to the moral and social norms accepted and considered correct in the community or society in which they live.” Mario would never accept a proposal of that type, since he is a man who asserts his honor.”
Quality by which a person behaves according to the social and cultural parameters agreed upon in society
Honor is acquired through individual and personal merits, through actions, own behaviors, which do not depend on others or on the assessment of third parties.
Good reputation
Likewise, the word honor can be used as a synonym for Good reputation, that is, a company, a product, of which it is said they have honor, it will be because they behave satisfactorily with their clients or because they meet the conditions and characteristics that promote.
Good or bad reputation is a key issue when it comes to the continuity or success of a company or brand.
When a client you feel respected and considered by the company you chose to buy a product or hire a service, without a doubt, you will follow it choosing and recommending it to their relatives, a fact that will generate more customers and purchases, as appropriate, for the company in question.
For case, it is indispensable that companies allocate a large part of their resources and efforts to offer their customers a good service, a good product, which satisfies them and makes them continue to choose them.
Feminine decorum
On the other hand, the word honor, at the request of the moral more traditional, refers to the same time integrity and decorum in women.
In traditional societies of a few centuries ago, the honor of the woman was her virginity, and therefore she had to be respected and kept safe until the marriage.
A woman who violated this provision was severely punished by society and considered an adulteress.
That is, in the most conservative morals, that a woman divorces in full pregnancy, or leaving her husband for another man will not be considered acts of honor, but quite the opposite.
What makes us proud
Also, in common parlance, we use the word honor to account for that for which we feel extremely proud or satiated, simply and simply because they exceed expectations or proposed purposes. “That my boss thought of me to host the company's year-end party is truly an honor.”
Tributes given to outstanding people
When a Tribute to honor the memory of someone or a certain person who stood out for x situation it is said that they have honored.
When a personality loved by society, or a politician with a long career dies, it is common to have a farewell with high honors, to just recognize and validate his contributions and dismiss him with the bubbles that were deserves.
Since ancient times, humans have used this practice to demonstrate their thoughtfulness and I respect for that outstanding person who passed away.
These actions are also carried out when a person dies in the defense of the homeland or the community in which he lives.
In the field of religion we also find a special reference and presence of this concept, in one of the most important pillars that support the Christian religion such as the Ten Commandments that God gave on a table to Moses.
Religion: honoring parents, one of the ten commandments
In one of them it is stipulated that parents should be honored, a fact that supposes the obligation of the faithful to love and respect the parents always.
Meanwhile, there are some very popular expressions that contain the term honor, such as being: do the honors (It implies the entertainment and the attention of the guests in a very good way when you are a host) and do honor (when something stands out).
Themes in Honor