Definition of Peace Agreement
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2014
The concept of agreement of peace It is made up of two terms of use extended in our language. On the one hand, agreement It is an agreement made by two or more parties that are involved in a conflict or situation. And for his part we call peace to that state that is characterized by the tranquility and harmony that prevails in a place or between various social actors.
In matter politics or for him international right there will be peace when the relationship and the situation between two parties are satisfactory, that is, they are not in dispute or war over issue.
Meanwhile, a peace agreement It is that written document in which two nations, territories, regions, among others, subscribe and undertake to put an end to the hostilities that faced them. Generally, it contains a series of conditions that precisely make this commitment and how the peace and disarmament process will take place, if applicable. It is also common for those who sign it to be the chief executives of the nations involved.
Always and without exceptions, the peace agreement will be the result of a negotiation or debate previously between the interested parties in which they were in charge of exposing in detail their positions and arguments to be able to arrive at a common position and in this way, once the couple is in tune, agree on the topic.
It should be noted that normally in this type of negotiation and debate, each of the parties must yield in some aspect in order to reach agreement.
However, by case it is also common for a peace agreement to take a long time of discussions until finally both parties decide to sign it and this is precisely because at a certain point each party will have to give up on some claim or right in pursuit of peace.
On the other hand, these types of agreements usually have the participation of personalities u organizations who have a long history in the fight for peace, a fact that will certainly bring greater formality and probability that the agreement is finally signed.
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