Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Mar. 2016
The adjective accumulator is usually used in relation to some type of device designed to store something, which can be Energy or information. Thus, there are electrical, thermal or computer accumulators. For its part, on a social and psychological level, appears and highlights the figure of the compulsive accumulator, a disease imperceptible in which a person refuses to get rid of those things that no longer serve him, accumulating for years and thus affecting his quality of life, reducing the spaces in which he lives, and making it difficult to clean the house.
Electric accumulators
Batteries are the devices that serve to store energy. There are primary and secondary batteries. The former provide a large amount of energy and immediately for a short period of time and once they have been discharged they cannot be recharged. Secondary batteries provide energy for a longer time and when they have been discharged it is possible to recharge them (for example, these are vehicle batteries).
Batteries as secondary energy accumulators are used in the automotive industry and there are those of cell wet, deep cycle and absorbent glass pad.
Thermal accumulators
Heat must be stored to provide energy, for which heat accumulators are used. These devices work with electricity, which causes the heating of the resistances inside it and this produces a thermal effect, which we normally understand as heating. The accumulator heating system causes the heat to be activated by natural convention and spread throughout a certain place, for example a room.
Computer accumulator
The concept of a computer accumulator is part of engineering terminology computing and specifically it is used in the field of the fundamentals of programming. The fundamental idea of a computer accumulator is that of a variable in the storage memory for the purpose of handling variable quantities. The concept of an accumulator is very similar to that of a counter. In some way, it could be said that an accountant is a way of accumulating information. As for the mechanics of accumulators, it is done through successive addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Thus, the functions of computer accumulation are essential in the administrative processes of the companies and in the calculation of materials used (for example, in the control of the load volume of a truck). Simply put, an accumulator is a form of record in which a series of results are stored.
Photo: iStock - SeanShot
Themes in Accumulator