Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Apr. 2016
Admission is understood as the fact of accepting someone in some activity, that is, admitting them. This same definition can be applied to things, so it is possible to speak of the admission of a document or a claim.
Admission referring to people and procedures
In order for a person to be able to access certain places, they need to have some kind of permission or authorization. Thus, if someone does not belong to a club, he will not be able to use her facilities, since there is a right admission (club members are accepted but not the same for non-members). The right of admission applies to all those people who do not meet any necessary requirement. On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that some places have a sign that reminds that there is the right to admission, which implies that if someone behaves improperly, they can be expelled from the premises.
To have some services or benefits it is necessary that a series of steps be taken in advance. When these are finished, a request and this must be valued to be admitted or not.
In either case, the intake acts as a filter for decide if someone can do something or to consider if some procedures are correctly fulfilled. In everyday life we talk about admission to the university, admission processes or deadlines, admission exams, etc. People want to be part of organizations and receive services and for this we must be admitted through some type of procedure.
Non-admission situations
In the field of law it is possible to present a demand against someone, but it must meet certain legal requirements, otherwise the claim will not be accepted for processing.
The non-admission with respect to someone or something can be rejected and, consequently, it is possible to make a claim or an appeal against the non-admission.
There are private entities that have their own criteria for allowing attendees to enter. The non-admission of someone may have some justification (for example, not accepting people who are drunk or with indication dangerousness) but sometimes people are not admitted for debatable reasons (for example, in some clubs, forms of dress considered inappropriate are not allowed).
In any of its forms, non-admission works as a selection mechanism, in such a way that there are admissible and valid questions and, in parallel, others that are inadmissible.
Photo: iStock - FlairImages
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