Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2011
A statement is a expression indicating that a thing, something, a situation is true.
Expression that indicates that something is true
The affirmation is one of the most common acts that human beings perform and basically for which we grant our consent or endorsement intellectual to a certain statement that is timely declared as valid, supporting its reality and certainty without the presence of any doubt at the respect. “His statements before the court, regarding the involvement of María in the kidnapping, were the ones that finally marked the sentence of guilt that fell on María. “
Meanwhile, when we offer our commitment and consent to a statement but also about he himself admits the possibility of error or a contradiction, then we will obtain as a result a opinion.
Opinion is repeatedly considered a weak statement, however, this Differentiation, many times, is not delimited as it should be and the opinion is forced by forcing the statement of the question.
Gesture to say yes
Another use of the term allows to refer to that gesture that an individual makes to say yes.
“Faced with the impossibility of expressing himself, Juan nodded with affirmative gestures to each of the answers made by the doctor.”
There are gestures that are already absolutely standardized, agreed upon and, for example, have spread throughout the world, beyond the differences of languages, cultures, etc., that is, all the inhabitants of the world use them and we do not need to know a language or a interpretation to be able to decode them and this is precisely what happens with the gesture of the affirmation, of the yes, which consists in making a movement of the same that oscillates from top to bottom.
When someone because of a situation cannot answer something with her words, either because he cannot speak, because he has an impairment physical that makes it impossible for him, or simply cannot do it because he has a busy mouth or is performing some task, he usually uses this typical movement of the head to express the affirmation or consent of some question that is being asked or is being commenting.
On the contrary, when someone wants to express the denial or not of something, they usually use another gesture or movement with their head which also has a widespread use everywhere, which is to move the head from one side to another, from right to left or to the reverse.
The other side is denial
The concept that is directly opposed to that of affirmation is that of denial, which implies the absolute and forceful rejection of the veracity of a question.
“Since the trial began, Martín, maintained a position of denial regarding his participation in the jewelry robbery.”
Psychological reinforcement: apply a stimulus to increase that a conduct repeat
And in the field of psychology we find the concept of psychological reinforcement that consists of the app of a stimulus, which will be known as a reinforcer, which will increase the probability that a behavior is repeated in the future.
This reinforcer is determined in relation to the effect they have on behavior and not by their own characteristics.
Now, we must clarify that some stimuli that a priori would be considered as reinforcers may not be so in some cases or special situations.
The aforementioned reinforcement may be positive when the response is followed by a reward or any other positive event. And so the possibility of repeating itself is increased.
Giving a dog a cookie after he has done something right is positive reinforcement.
On the other hand, the negative occurs when the answer is followed by an uncomfortable and unpleasant fact, so which such circumstance will remain ascribed and will be remembered for that, and so it will tend to be avoided future.
Affirmation Topics