Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2009
A poster is a notice that communicates some future event or current situation and that generally shows a considerable dimension so that it is well appreciated and noticed by the public to whom it is directed and a deliberate artistic intention that will seek to attract more than the ordinary.
Meanwhile, the poster is one of the main tools available to the advertising at the time of communication urban visual. In other words, with this I do not mean that in those places far from the metropolises we do not find this type of medium to announce to its inhabitants the realization of a musical show, among other issues for example, but in reality this resource does not turn out to be as massive or invasive as if it happens in the most important cities of the world, that if one observes them very carefully and in detail, one finds that there end up being hundreds of posters that advertise and propose various things, from recitals to drinks and that are stamped on walls, cans of public garbage and huge supports destined for this purpose, in every corner of the city and waiting for you, me, him and them look.
Of course, and in the case that the objectives of the poster are to communicate an event or promote a product or service, they must consider several momentous issues, including the type of traffic that frequents the area in question, the environment of the area in which it will be located, if there are shopping centers or competence direct and the dimension plus the support that will be used that also turn out to be decisive when it comes to attracting the eye or not.
As a consequence, the poster will always be accompanied by an environment that offers an infinity of visual stimuli, creatives must attend to very specific questions, including: ID clear of the product or service offered, characteristic of the illustration and a text short and direct to get the perceiver's attention.
Although the use par excellence of the poster will be a promotional matter, therefore advertising is the area that most appreciates it, other areas such as educational, religious, political or social also know how to make use of it.
Poster Topics