Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in Dec. 2015
Time inevitably passes in the rhythm of life, which is marked by cycles. The year has 365 days and twelve months. Every December we say goodbye to the present year to welcome the next month of January that marks the beginning of a new year. A change in the calendar that is cause for celebration for the value emotional what does this have experience that despite being repetitive, each year is exciting.
The new year represents the metaphor of the next destiny, of what is to come. Therefore, we set ourselves before him with the illusion of being able to make important wishes, personal dreams and goals of happiness come true. In the same way, we want the suffering, the sadness, the accumulated disappointments and the bad times. Each country has its own traditions to celebrate the night of December 31st.
Happy New Year
On the other hand, January 1 is the time when people take advantage of the occasion to congratulate family and friends by wishing a Happy New Year. This greeting is another of the traditions of Christmas.
Every January 1, people set goals that often fall into oblivion in February.
There are repetitive challenges: quit smoking, go to the gym to do sport, lose the kilos taken at Christmas... The emotion of a new year is linked to joy to be able to celebrate this moment with those relatives who continue to be witnesses of that moment, and with the longing of all those who remain in the memory. On January 1 we also experienced that strange emotion of nostalgia for that year that is now part of the past.
Start from scratch
Life for most people remains exactly the same on December 31 and January 1. However, there is something that changes: the attitude. That attitude that is accompanied by Energy positive that new beginnings bring. From the point of view of mental hygiene, the happiness of a new year is marked, precisely, by that pleasant sensation that it brings to start from scratch and to take that moment as a new opportunity.
With the start of a new year, many families buy a new calendar to post in a visible place in the house. A calendar with significant dates for each one, such as birthdays.
Photos: iStock - Tempura / Lisa-Blue
New Year's themes