Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2009
It is designated by the term of apology to that argument, which can be part of a speech or a writing in which special emphasis is placed on defending, praising, praising or justifying the action, inaction, idea, thought of a person or a group, which is subject to a previous controversy, since it generally refers to issues that do not agree with the law or in which the common good of a society can become seriously compromised if the position is defended or triumphs.
The apology of crime is a widely disseminated concept that has a special significance in the legal field, since it is punishable by most of the laws of the world because it is closely related to what we mentioned above of the defense of certain very controversial circumstances or criminal.
Issues such as defense of euthanasia, which is inducing a terminally ill person to his own death or praising situations proven to be harmful to the common good and the maintenance the order of a society or community such as drug use or breath terrorism
, a question so present in our days, constitute some concrete examples of the crime of apology that is even typified in a good part of the penal codes of the different nations.For example, a person using a massive channel such as one of the media communication massive, gives an account of the benefits that the consumption of this or that prohibited drug, inevitably, he must answer for those sayings before the Justiceas it is plausible of a complaint or demand for this exaltation.
Now, the concept of apology has a fairly ancient origin, that is, it is not a modern invention of justice, but it dates and has its origin in the ancient literature more precisely in a work by the Greek philosopher Plato called Socrates' Apology, which proposes a version of the defense that Socrates, teacher of Plato, during the trial that the Greek justice of that time followed him by considering that with his thoughts he despised the Athenian gods and corrupted the youth. From this follows the very long trajectory that this term has.
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