Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2014
It is designated by the term of apostrophe to one literary or rhetorical figure that implies the fact of speaking in a speech, using the second person, that is, alluding, appealing to the public or audience that is present listening, or it may also be that the message is directed to those who are not in a face-to-face way but are present at some level where the message.
The literary figures are those systematized ways at the request of the literature that propose non-traditional ways of using the words of our language.
Although the words in question are used according to their meaning, some singularities in grammatical matter are added, semantics, among others, and that then end up providing a lot of expressiveness to those words.
Meanwhile, of the two categories in which these are distinguished figures, that of diction and that of thought, the one that occupies us in this review must be located within the figures of thought and in the sub category dialogue or pathetic.
Figures of thought especially affect the meaning of words, and figures of dialogue, which correspond to this group, are the characteristics of what is known as style or direct speech, where you can listen or read what the characters say, think, providing greater communication to the same.
Another essential feature of this type of figures is that they intend to influence the affective plane of the recipient of the message.
It should be noted that this type of Figure of speech it is very common to find it in the religious sphere, at the request of a prayer, a prayer, also in the monologues that artists can develop. And on the other hand, its use is also usual in the field of politics, because when a political leader uses it, he usually marks through it a greater closeness, proximity, with the potential voter, something that of course, for politics is basic and fundamental.
We must also point out that this concept should not be confused with the apostrophe, something that usually happens. The apostrophe is a punctuation mark to indicate the deletion of a letter or the deletion of a phoneme.
Themes in Apostrophe