Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2014
In our language we call as bush To that plant that boasts a long life and is physically characterized by its medium height, its short woody stem and the presentation of branches from its very base.
Its structure is specially formed by wood, cellulose and lignin.
Although shrubs share many characteristics mentioned above with trees, namely that they are perennial and have firewood or wood in their stem, it should be noted that the main differences between the two and through them we can precisely differentiate and distinguish them is that the shrubs they are much lower with respect to the trees (they range in less than eight meters high), which tend to reach certainly considerable heights.
And on the other hand they distance themselves from the trees in that the bushes are not erected on a trunk only but their base already It has ramifications, that is, it is a plant that has many more ramifications than those that have a tree.
To the scenery in which they abound and the presence of shrubs stands out, it is formally called as scrub. Accompanying the landscape of shrubs are usually added to this
biome grasses, grasses, and plants that grow underground, also known as geophytes.Now, it is important that we highlight the bushes and their main species can occur naturally in a geographical site, that is, they result from the conditions climatic conditions and the characteristics of the soil of that space, or failing that, they may be a result of human activity, that is, human beings promote and develop the scrub with his action.
It is worth noting that the weather is of great influence when it comes to decide the type of existing scrub. Thus in desert climates there is the xerophilous scrub, whose plants are ideally adapted to this type of rather dry climate, observing in its Format physical characteristics that allow it, such as having rather small leaves in order to avoid the loss of Water wave provision of thorns that allow them to defend themselves from typical pasture animals.
Themes in Shrub