Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jan. 2012
Understood as one of the most significant concepts within the field labor, the term salaried is used to represent all those people who receive a salary in exchange for a work activity of any kind. It is considered in economic and also sociological terms that the employee is the person located in the lowest of the scale And this is so since he must render accounts to a boss, who grants him the possibility of working in his service to receive a payment for him. The employee has numerous rights (such as working a limited amount of time, rest, social charges such as social work and retirement, right to strike, etc.). However, in the practice These rights are often not fully respected and in many cases they are even eliminated, cases in which we go on to talk about black work.
The concept of wage earner obviously comes from the concept of salary. Since ancient times, specialists estimate that since the time of Roman empire, many workers were paid for their labor with salt or
salarium In latin. These workers were at that time, needless to say, primarily farmers, ranchers, artisans, or employees in the imperial administrative system. The notion of the wage earner as we know it today did not yet exist. This concept will emerge from the Industrial Revolution and the increase in factory workers, those who received minimal pay for unhealthy hours of work. At that moment the idea of a more or less fixed salary arises that is not valuing the person himself, but only her work, her work. The result of placing the value on the work and not on the person made them obviously replaceable by others regardless of the social problems that becoming unemployed for a person could to mean.Today this idea of the wage earner continues and in many senses, although the employee today has many legally recognized rights, there are still inhumane forms of work in which people receive a minimum wage for unworthy or very demanding work. For this reason, today the idea of protest by wage earners who usually meet in unions to defend their rights is much more palpable.
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