Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2015
Air navigation. Design, development, manufacture, operation and use, whether commercial or private, of airplanes
The concept of aviation designates in our language to navigation by air precisely using specially designed devices such as airplanes, helicopters, among others, and that turn out to be heavier than air, a sine quanom condition for to get it.
Aviation then includes the design, development, manufacturing, the operation and use, whether commercial or private, of airplanes. Undoubtedly there is a huge aviation industry that deals with precisely all these tasks and actions that We enumerate, including infrastructures and of course human personnel that develop it in almost all parts of the world.
Ultimately, if the airplane and its similes, aviation would certainly not exist and that is why they are concepts that are intimately linked.
It makes it easier for people to move from one place to another in the world with extreme speed
The main advantage of aviation is that it makes it easier for people to move from one place to another in the world with extreme
speed, a question that would not be feasible, in terms of short times of course, that if we do it by water or land, the other two options.Precisely the fantastic development that aviation reached throughout the world has allowed this question, which all of us who want to can move over short or long distances in very short times of travel.
Economic benefits of being able to move and move products quickly and easily
This situation of course brought concrete and very important benefits to other areas such as the economy which of course widely uses aviation to move raw materials and products, and also to move easily and quickly to entrepreneurs who must meet and close deals with peers who are in distant parts of the world.
Military corps that conducts operations by air
On the other hand, the term is also commonly used to refer to that military body that carries out operations by air.
Civil aviation and military aviation
So the differentiation between what civil aviation is, which implies the transport air or commercial, that is, airlines that are exclusively dedicated to moving passengers or products around the world. And within this we must also include the rest of aviation that does not have the aforementioned purposes, such as aviation private, sports aviation, humanitarian aviation, such is the case of that intervening in catastrophes natural.
And on the other hand, the aforementioned military aviation, carried out by the armed forces of a nation and that they have the mission of defense of the country to which they belong or to engage in some special operation that demands their presence.
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