Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jul. 2012
The word automatic is a term frequently used in our language that we normally apply in relation to functioning of some machine or to the behavior of individuals when it comes to an action or activity carried out in a usual way and then she is fully integrated into her life, not needing too much attention or thought at the time of making it.
Then, automatic may be: what happens in a necessary and immediate way for certain causes; action, act, which is carried out involuntarily and without thinking; the mechanism that works in everything per se, without needing the help of an individual, or in almost everything, only demanding a small intervention of the person.
In the case of the mechanisms that show an automatic operation, they stand out precisely for this reason, for working by themselves in almost all their process or in a certain part. For example, an electric toaster will only need the individual to place the bread on its racks and press the start button, then it will do all the
homework toasting by itself thanks to the internal mechanism that it has that allows it to do so.When people carry out actions without thinking about them in a totally involuntary way, they are defined as part of an automatic behavior. A) Yes: when I get in the car it is automatic that I put on my seat belt safety.
Also, when certain situations occur that cause such or such actions to occur, it is spoken in terms of automatic. The replacement of MarĂa by Karina was automatic, when she announced her resignation from the position.
At the request of the electricity and of those mechanisms that need it to function, it is designated as automatic when device that stops the passage of a electric current when you notice that there is an overload in the circuit in question.
It should be noted that the machine that has a mechanism that allows it to perform movements per se, or that which imitates both the figure and movements of a human being is called automaton, meanwhile, the term is also applied to designate the individual who allows himself to be directed by another or who acts in a conditioned way and almost as if he were a machine.
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