Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Gabriel Duarte, in Dec. 2008
Change is called the process by which a certain state of things happens to another state. Starting from this basic notion, each field of human knowledge adopts a concept of change that is its own. Thus, one can speak of the use of the term instead in economy, biology, philosophy, etc. Each of these variants has peculiarities that are only explained in the context of that knowledge.
One of the most common uses of the word "change" can be found in a market economy. There this word refers to the exchange of goods and services for money. In this context, it is often spoken of free trade, that is, that this Commerce of goods and services must be exercised by the different actors of the economy without imposing a authority superior such as the state; at most there may be regulations on it, but it cannot run the entire economy. This free exchange situation is what determines the price of the various goods and services in the market. Balance that is established between supply and demand.
Another use of the term change can be offered by the area of ​​philosophy.. It should be noted that since the dawn of this discipline, the concept of change was the subject of arduous and conscientious reflections. Indeed, one of the main and first problems that arise for philosophical reflection is that of permanence and change. The difficulty in this case lies in establishing the cause by which a certain object can change its state and be the same at the same time. Thus, for example, a person is constantly changing and at the same time is the same. Various answers were given for this proposal, the best known being those of Parmenides, Heraclitus and Aristotle; the first denied the existence of change, the second established that everything was mutable, and the third established that some qualities were mutable while others were not.
In biology, change is marked by the evolution. Thus, when the cells of an organism divide, they adopt mutations that can be passed on to subsequent generations; if these constitute an adaptation to environment the chances of that species surviving and reproducing will increase.
So far, there have been some variants of "change" that are in more common use. However, it is possible to find countless of them that will depend on the frame in which they are framed.
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