Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2012
The word calvary has a very present and special use within the religion catholic, since with it the mount, located on the outskirts of Jerusalem and on which Jesus was crucified after being betrayed by one of his apostles, Judas.
Mount I quote in Jerusalem and on which Jesus is crucified
The origin of the name has to do with the type of rocks with appearance skulls that surround it.
It should be noted that since it is such an important concept within Christian doctrine, Calvary is repeatedly mentioned in the various New Testament gospels.
Likewise, this mountain has been reached by the tradition Jewish woman who maintains that the skull of the first man was duly buried in it: Adam.
Way of the cross: stages Jesus went through on the way to the crucifixion
Another use of the term also very present in the Catholic religion is as synonym of Via crucis, as all the moments, stages, that Jesus had to go through from the moment he was arrested and until the moment of his crucifixion on Calvary.
It is worth mentioning that the Calvary of Jesus is one of the religious themes most represented by the art pictorial and also by what it implies within the painting Religious is undoubtedly one of the most moving and dramatic themes, due to the cruelty that we know had that procedure that led Jesus to death.
For Catholics in the Via Crucis, meditation and reflection on the sufferings suffered by Christ will prevail from the time they took him prisoner until that they kill him crucified on the cross along with other criminals, and finally the mystery of the resurrection, which allows Christ to rise after three days; he dies on Friday and is resurrected on Sunday.
It is necessary that the faithful remember this instance with love, and a lot gratitude because that suffering of Jesus had as its primary mission to save all men from original sin.
Also called as way of the cross, the Stations of the Cross, implies an unavoidable question for any faithful since it is a act of mercy, in which the reflection on precisely the ordeal that he had to suffer to Jesus in order to save all of us, all of humanity, from original sin, such was his mission on earth.
According to the different stories proposed in the gospels, Calvary was reconstructed and said path is represented in the liturgy through 15 images of the passion that are called as seasons.
The 15 stations
Next we will review the stations that Jesus went through: 1st station: sentence to death, 2nd station: Jesus carries the heavy cross across the road to his place of death, 3rd station: Jesus falls for the first time as a consequence of the heavy cross that he carries on his shoulder, 4th station: Jesus meets the Virgin Mary, his mother, 5th station: Jesus is helped to carry the cross by a faithful follower, 6th station: the woman Veronica washes Jesus' face, a long-suffering and tired face, 7th station: second Fall of Jesus carrying the cross, 8th station: Jesus comforts the women of Jerusalem who accompany him on the way, 9th station: Jesus falls for the third time on the way, 10th station: he is stripped of all his clothing, 11th station: Jesus is brutally nailed to the cross with nails on his hands and feet and a crown of thorns is placed on him on his head, 12th station: Jesus dies on the cross, 13th station: Jesus is taken in the arms of the Virgin Mary, 14th station: Jesus is transferred to the tomb, 15th station: Resurrection of Jesus.
We must emphasize that at the end of each season corresponds the recitation of the prayer that Jesus taught us: the Lord's Prayer.
Generally, this act is performed in a group, every Good Friday, during Catholic Easter, the day Jesus was crucified on the cross, and accompanied by prayer.
Set of unfortunate situations that a person goes through
On the other hand, the meaning of the word has been transferred to language current and colloquial and so it is that we also use the term calvary to refer to that series of adverse situations that a person faces in pursuit of achieving something or for some matter.
Themes at Calvary