Definition of Advertising Campaign
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2011
An advertising campaign is understood to be that group of ideas or creations that are made with the aim of sell a product or service from the call of attention or interest generated in a certain set of people. Advertising campaigns are a typical element of modern societies, especially those of Western societies of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, from which time the interference of the media from communication and the creation of technologies such as Internet they have gained a lot of relevance. Advertising campaigns aim to position a certain novel product (or relocate one already existing) in a specific socioeconomic space, for which it points to interests, emotionalities or forms from think of that socioeconomic group to generate elements such as fascination, desire, identification, sensation membership, etc.
Although the idea of an advertising campaign has a lot to do with the work of designers and creatives of advertising companies, it is also intrinsically related to disciplines such as the
psychology. This is so because it is important to recognize issues such as mood, projects, interests, wishes of the person or group of people to whom it is appealed so that the reception of the product or service is satisfactory.Normally, advertising campaigns find endless spaces in which to take place, but it is undoubtedly the media that play the most important role: newspapers, print advertisements, magazines, radio, television and the internet are generally consumed by a significant part of the population and this brings the product or service closer to a number infinitely greater than what would be achieved from recommendation or word of mouth. Elements such as the message (implicit or explicit), the colors, the design or Format, the creativity, the elements that can generate a sense of belonging or identification to the public, are all issues that are deeply cared for so that the result is the desired one.
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