Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2014
The concept of parity is one of the options that exist in our language to designate equivalence and equality of something with something else or someone with another. So it is possible that we apply the term to things as well as to people. There is parity in his height and in that of my brother. The results of the examinations demonstrated the parity that exists in the educational level between one course and another.
Basically, parity, what he wants to show is that in those things or people in which there is no there is in no way superiority or inferiority, precisely because parity matches, marks a level equal.
In some situations and contexts, parity is something that is sought and valued and it is good that it occurs while in other circumstances, especially in situations of competence, parity is not something precious or much less since in that case there is the need to win or to impose on the other to, for example, win a championship.
In social matters, to cite an example, parity is an issue that is sought and that will also be held because will imply that there are no social differences between people but will speak of a state of affairs in which reigns the
equity. Thus, if most of the population of a country perceives a salary simile, without a doubt, that nation, it will show a parity between its inhabitants since everyone will be able to access the same things, something that would not happen if the salaries would be very out of date between them.And another of the most widespread uses that is attributed to this word is given at the behest of the exchange market to name precisely the relationship of one currency, one currency, with another and taking as a reference measure the international parameters that govern at that time.
In the present, on the Republic Argentina, and as a consequence of the exchange control imposed by the state, one US dollar is equal to $ 8.20, that is, for every dollar in Argentina they will give us $ 8.20.