Definition of electric field
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2014
The electricity or electric current it is a very present issue in our daily lives. It is even vital for the development of many activities that we do every day, basically because they work thanks to the existence of it ...
It is called as electric field to that space, a place where electric charges of all kinds are especially carried out. In it, certain particles come together and eliminate their energies, whether positive or negative.
The existence of electric charge in a certain area of space it will modify the characteristics of that place and give way to what is known as the electric field. Then, when undergoing this modification, if a new charge were entered, it would immediately feel a force about itself.
The electrical flow will decrease by distance to the source that generates the field.
We will be able to find static electric fields, which are so called because they do not present variations with the passage of time. They are generated by the fixed electrical energies that exist in space. While for example electromagnetic fields do change with the
to run weatherWe can detect it by the presence of material forces that behave in a defined way and making the flow flow. electric power.
The electric field can be measured in Volts per meter. The Volt, symbolized by the letter V capital is the Unit used in the International system to indicate the potential electrical voltage or the electrical voltage of an element. It was named in homage to Alessandro volta, creator of the voltaic pile and the chemical battery.
The knowledge of its origin and nature is complex and there is practically no way to do it, then what is done is to study them in a comparative way with others that have the same or different magnitude.
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