Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Ago. 2010
The word passenger is one that is used to designate all the people or individuals who are traveling from one point or location to another. The passenger is also the one who travels but thanks to the driving of another since he does not perform any steering action on the vehicle or means of transport. Usually, the term passenger is used in the cases of massive vehicles such as trains, buses, buses, airplanes and ships. It is correct to use it for those who travel in car also but not so common.
The condition of passenger is created at the moment in which a person accesses a trip in which he does not make no type of direction of the vehicle if not that it is simply transferred by another from one point to another different. For this action, the passenger must always pay an amount of money or, in the case of some regions of the planet, some barter can be made for elements other than money. In the particular case of people hitchhiking or requesting strangers to be transported free of charge, as an act of
solidarityOne who is helped can also be considered a passenger.Depending on the type of trip to be made, the distance to travel, the purpose of the trip and other issues, the passenger can change their clothing, the accessories that it carries with it, anxiety, etc. This is so because normally a person who becomes a passenger of an interurban bus to go from home to work carries the necessary elements to work, while a passenger who must make a long trip from a country to another he will have to take other implements, perhaps more numerous. The passenger will also be different if the trip is for a long time or for a short time, if it is made for work reasons or for pleasure Y tourism.
Themes in Passenger