Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in May. 2018
Laughter is a typically human reaction. Regardless of the sense of humor of each people, all human beings of any age and condition need to laugh. Some trades have been dedicated precisely to causing laughter, such as jesters, harlequins, comedians, stand-ins or mimes. However, there is a character singular closely associated with this reaction, the clown.
Its origin dates back to ancient times, since most remote civilizations had a character who was in charge of entertaining the ruling classes.
The clown with makeup, wig, red nose and colorful clothing is part of the history of the circus. In this sense, for many historians the first modern clown was the Englishman Joseph Grimaldi (1779-1837). He became such a popular character that the writer Charles Dickens wrote a book of memories about him.
Each type of clown has a certain role
Those whose faces are painted white are normally serious and friendly towards adults. They usually dress in a classic way, usually with a tie and vest. Sometimes this character is called a clown. The clown is the clever clown.
The Augustus usually has a quirky appearance and wears very colorful and striking clothing. He is an absurd, extravagant and provocative character. He represents freedom and is the clown that most people like kids. The Augustus is the counterpoint of the clown and acts like the silly clown.
In some performances there is a second august, known as a contraugust or thrombus. His role is to complement the first august and for this he resorts to a musical instrument.
The lonely clown appears as a tramp who lives next door. margin of the society.
Not everything is joy
There are children and adults who in the presence of a clown do not have fun or laugh. In fact, they feel real panic. This curious phenomenon has a name, coulrophobia. Like all phobias, it is an absolutely irrational fear. In most cases it occurs in the childhood as a consequence of a experience negative with a clown.
Some psychologists claim that it is not so strange for the clown to cause panic, as some people unconsciously interpret that behind the smiling makeup there may be a person with intentions unpredictable.
In the world of literature and the movie theater a unique character has been created: the murderous clown. Like many other phenomena, this one comes from the United States, where the killer-clown has become popular as a sinister character.
Photo Fotolia: Roi_and_Roi
Themes in Clown