Definition of Charcoal
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2014
As we know, the Coal it's a mineral and one of the most important natural materials that exist on our planet earth, due to the use that human beings give it in their daily life and work, to obtain Energy and to start the industries, since it is a fuel efficient, and also because it is necessary at the behest of different processes of nature.
It results from the carbonization of various types of vegetables and organisms alive that died thousands of years ago and that over the centuries fossilized.
In the meantime, charcoal It is a material that is produced through the heating of wood and other plant residues to a very high temperature, around 400 and 700 degrees of heat and without mediating air.
Its salient physical characteristics include fragility, porosity and solidity, and its composition is predominantly carbon, being almost 80% of this material.
A few decades ago his production it was somewhat cumbersome and for those who developed it quite dangerous due to the risks that it implied to their life since they were piles of the material which were then set on fire and once the burning was finished had to be transported but the
danger that the pile of charcoal fell on the humanity of the one who had to collect it.Currently a methodology more evolved and safer since it is generated in special ovens.
The main problems that surround coal are, on the one hand, the environmental damage caused by its exploitation, which is normally carried out in open-pit mines and by On the other hand, it is a non-renewable natural resource with which it is expected to be depleted in a couple of years if the level of exploitation continues to be so active as of today. today.
Also, the health of people who are subjected to the aspiration of carbon monoxide that emanates from burning may be in danger, for case, it is also considered a problem material in this sense.
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