Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2010
The pattern designates both a model or example to follow, such as a regulation or rule that must be respected, therefore, it is that we could say that a guideline is a precept to follow, either because it implies a good example, worthy of being imitated or followed by all, or failing that because it is an imposition that must be observed if you do not want to receive a punishment for its omission.
Role model or standard to be followed
The pattern is a rule that tells us how we should do something so that it is seen as correct and adequate and thus avoid disorder or disharmony.
There are guidelines that tell us how we should behave in a certain situation, in the performance of a task, a role, and not to mention those activities that are scheduled from beginning to end and then no one can change anything proposed.
“I am going to take into account all the guidelines that my uncle gave me, I cannot fail, he fulfilled them and today he is a super successful man in all aspects
.”“The institution that we direct has very specific guidelines that everyone must follow if they want to stay in it. The teacher gave us some guidelines to solve the test problem but they were not enough.”
Instrument that facilitates the drawing of parallel lines on a paper
On the other hand, the word guideline is also used to designate the instrument that allows us to draw parallel and equidistant lines on a paper. Its use is of great help when it comes to to write and that what we write is not twisted in the lines.
Likewise, the term is used to refer to the stripe or the set of stripes that are made with this instrument.
“I got a wake-up call from my teacher for not using the guideline correctly.”
Meanwhile, in the scope of musicthe guideline is parallel and equidistant line on which the musical signs will be written.
Advertising guideline: what is it and how is it applied so that companies sell more products and services
For its part, a advertising schedule It is the set of advertising spaces that are selected to communicate something, for example, a product, during a certain period of time.
Generally, the guidelines will involve the development of a advertising campaign with the aim of spreading any news, product or service.
“The advertising pattern of the television programs of the state channel has risen a lot in price.”
Basically, the means of communication mass media, newspapers, television, radio, magazines, and at present we cannot ignore some cases from the web, are solved thanks to the advertising guideline that private companies or the state makes.
That is, they buy a portion of the advertising cake to communicate or display their products and thus the message will reach the desired public, or that the product increases its sales, depending on corresponds.
The salaries of those who work in these media, and everything that implies them, structures, scenographies, among others, come largely from these incomeOf course, they are considered essential for the medium and its contents to survive.
Now, there are different time slots within this universe of the advertising pattern, which allow users to Advertisers choose, depending on the audience of the program that is broadcast at this or that time, when they want their product.
If it is a product for children, it will be sought to schedule times and programs in which children are watching TV.
As long as it is a service for women, the programs and times in which there are more people watching TV, listening to the radio, or if it is about Internet, the site most visited by women, for example.
On the other hand, we cannot ignore those special programs or events that are broadcast on television and that, due to their importance, capture the mass attention of the public, such as sports competitions of the stature of the Olympic Games, or the Soccer World Cup, and then, many companies want to advertise beyond the high costs of the minute because they know that their product will achieve high visibility.
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