Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2010
The concept of charity is widely used in our language, with several references, especially linked to the Catholic religion and to concepts such as love and solidarity towards others and those around us.
Theological virtue that implies loving God and neighbor above all
Charity, along with Hope and Faith is one of the three theological virtues consisting of love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves.
Meanwhile, it is called theological virtue to that habit that intelligence and the will possess as a divine gift and that allows man to participate in some way in the divine nature.
Therefore, it turns out to be an extremely important concept within the Christian religion and for those who profess it.
According to Christianity, charity becomes human when Jesus tells the Apostles to love one another as he has loved them. Meanwhile, the Bible through Saint Paul, vehicles of the word of God, provide some characteristics of what authentic charity should be: it is patient, helpful, does not know envy, never boasts of anything, is not conceited, has no interests, is decorous, rules out evil and tends to the truth.
Jesus, a life for charity
The life of Jesus that appears detailed in the Bible shows us that he himself was a exposition and constant reference to charity because his behavior and actions were totally guided by the love of God and his peers, and especially to that social sector most in need of assistance such as the poor. For example, he always stopped to help them and help them with greater dedication than others.
Meanwhile, the Catholic Church took up this maxim and so its actions from the highest to the lowest hierarchy are also oriented to assist the most humble in solving their basic needs and in fighting to improve their situations of lifetime.
Likewise, Christians and entities that are closely linked with the Church have a special disposition in this same sense to practice charity with those who demand it.
The Church and its constant charitable action
The Caritas Association is a clear example of this, it is a community organization that operates in various countries and depends on the Catholic Church.
Born at the end of the 19th century, its mission is to combat poverty, exclusion and discrimination in the entire world.
To assist the poorest, it carries out important campaigns that aim to bring together resources financial, clothing, among other issues, which are disseminated through the media communication, so that later what is collected can be distributed among those who need it most.
It is especially concerned with children, bringing them closer to schools and away from any type of exploitation.
Caring person with others
On the other hand, the word is also used to refer to the feeling that drives human beings to show solidarity with their peers.
The charitable feeling present in a person will make him show a special tendency when it comes to understanding the others, especially with regard to the suffering that they may be going through due to some misfortune or misfortune that occurred in their lives.
The person who has this virtue has a natural inclination to help the one he sees suffering, it is an irrepressible impulse that leads him to develop an action concrete so that that person does not suffer, for example, he gives him alms, gives him food, offers him a roof to live in, shelter if he is cold, among others Actions.
When, for example, a natural catastrophe such as an earthquake occurs and as a consequence of this, thousands of people are left without homes, without belongings and totally to the derives, we usually appeal to the charity that normally human beings have so that each one from their place and with what they can help those people who have been left without nothing.
In itself and beyond religions, human beings tend to be charitable when some extreme circumstance such as the one described occurs. Organization of collections, celebration of festivals of music that have the objective of collecting funds to alleviate the needs of the victims are usually the most recurrent examples of human charity.
Help given to someone in need
To alms or aid given to an individual in need , it is also called charity.
Treatment used in religious orders
And to treatment that is used at the behest of some orders or brotherhoods, to address some authority, for example, it is often referred to as charity.
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