Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2010
The term cadastre is the one used to designate the census or record that the State has of the different types of private properties and existing establishments in its territory. The main objective of the cadastre is the knowledge of such spaces in order to be able to apply the corresponding taxes appropriately and proportionally. The cadastre can also be used for the control and geographical organization of the space since it allows to know which spaces are free, which are occupied, which must be renewed, etc. The word cadastre comes from the Greek katastikhon, which means registry or census.
The cadastral census process has been applied since ancient times since States have always needed contributions from the inhabitants of the territory in the form of taxes. Thus, the cadastral registry was developed to be able to obtain income and organize or plan the territory in the most appropriate way possible.
Today, the current States have very accurate and developed cadastral records that establish the type of taxes to be paid differently according to whether it is properties for residential, commercial or non-commercial use. profit. In addition, other elements to take into account are the use of land for the
building of pools, parks or other spaces of recreation that serve to improve quality of life Of the inhabitants. The cadastral registry is also applied in rural areas to know the size of the plots and areas worked.Another important function of the cadastre is precisely planning the location urban of certain establishments and buildings in areas of high concentration population. Thus, the cadastre can be used to establish factory areas that should be far from residential areas as well as landfills. waste, recreation areas, green areas to contribute to environmental protection, etc.
Issues in Cadastre