Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2015
The concept of strain we usually hear it frequently in our language, especially in two areas, in the microbiology and in viticulture, which is the technique through which the vine is cultivated.
Use in microbiology.
In microbiology then, the strain will be the variant of a species, normally it can be some organism that is related to that variant but that for example corresponds to a lower taxon, and to which it is spread by cloning, that is, generating a clone. Because of course, there is around it an interest and scientific need to preserve and reproduce it as a consequence of the positive qualities and characteristics that it presents.
For example, many vaccines, such as the flu vaccine, one of the most famous and that is most encouraged to be applied when the time comes for the flu. winter, when the influenza virus proliferates, they are composed of various strains that precisely help to counteract infections with these microorganisms that generate them, applying them through vaccines.
The relevance of the strain in viticulture
On the other hand and as we anticipated, in viticulture the concept of vine is of recurrent use since it designates the trunk of the vine. The vine is a hyper-famous plant species throughout the world for the fruit it generates: the grape; used not only to consume it directly as fruit but also as raw material for the production of wine after being subjected to the process of fermentation.
There are several strains, the shape of the leaves and the fruits of the vine are what give each strain its characteristics particular, and that is why the concept has also been transferred to the wine industry to name the varieties of wines. Thus such wine is the product of such a strain, and such another from another strain, for example.
It is important that we emphasize that wines are also usually made by combining various strains and in this This situation precisely lies in their valuation and distinction and to distinguish them they will be referred to as varietal.
And in use colloquial of language the concept is often used in the following sentences: pure strain (when a person shows typical traits of a class) and of good stock (When something or someone has a good origin, it is reliable).
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