Definition of Scientology (Scientology)
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jan. 2018
In the world there are three main approaches when it comes to understanding and living the religion: monotheism, polytheism and animism. Each of them takes shape in turn in an organized church. Scientology is a religion that differs from traditional conceptions, since it is not based on a God and a text sacred.
For its followers, it is a liberating proposition geared towards happiness and for some it is a destructive sect for profit.
Origin and basic principles
Scientology emerged in the early twentieth century in the United States and its doctrines are inspired by the ideas of Ron Laffayette Hubbard, a writer of Science fiction American who in his books maintained that aliens were the ones who instilled the different existing religions, logically including Christianity.
The faithful who are part of this movement they practice a form of therapy known as auditing. This consists of helping the faithful to free themselves from the negative experiences of their past.
Extraterrestrial spirits are the cause of our misconceptions and misjudgments, as well as human suffering.
According to the followers of this movement, certain practices of the psychiatry traditional are a true threat and for this reason they must be countered by the principles of Scientology.
Among the kinesiologists, there is a list of famous people: John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Kirstie Alley or Juliette Lewis, among many others.
Criticisms of Scientology
As in other religious groups, some of its members disassociate themselves and denounce certain practices of manipulation of the conduct. In this sense, the ex-scientists of Scientology claim that they were led to believe that they would have a life full of satisfaction and happiness and that they would no longer have psychosomatic illnesses or other forms of suffering.
One of the strategies they use is to nullify the critical consciousness of individuals
In this sense, believers convince themselves that everything that happens to them in their lives is positive and satisfying.
The members of this group are told that they are going to be helped psychologically and for this reason the organization finds out all the details about their lives and through this procedure they already have all the necessary information to blackmail and press.
Critics of Scientology claim that this organization is nothing more than a cover that actually hides evil interests, especially financial gain. On synthesis, some consider it to be a destructive cult.
Photo: Fotolia - mokee81 / Lyudmyla
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